Hello There

Thanks for visiting the home of the Kanoukan in Danville Indiana.

Are you interested in traditional Japanese culture & history?

Have you felt a desire to follow a path of self-discovery in the spirit of the Zen-inspired ways of ancient Japan?

Do you have previous experience in Japanese Budo & would like to deepen your understanding?

Or do you just really like samurai movies? (It’s OK, we do too…).

If any of these reasons or similar are what has brought you here, then it’s possible Japanese Kobudo, or classical Japanese martial arts may be a good fit for you.

First, a little about us.

We are an official study group of the Kanoukan based in Hiroshima, Japan.

We train Muso Shinden Eishin Ryu Iai Heiho iaijutsu, Oishi Shinkage Ryu kenjutsu, & Shibukawa Ichi Ryu jujitsu.

You’ll find similar principles in all three arts

Training in each style compliments the other.

Our Sensei

Kunio Morimoto Sensei, our teacher and President of the Kanoukan organization, has over 50 years of experience in the Japanese Kobudo. He has full teaching licenses (Menkyo Kaiden) in all 3 schools we train and is recognized as the soke or headmaster of two. He is also a Director of the Nihon Kobudo Shinkokai which is an organization dedicated to the preservation & promotion of the Japanese Kobudo.

Why it matters

Our goal at Kanoukan Danville is to promote the old Japanese martial ways here in Indiana.

We believe that “martial arts training” has more applications for the modern world than just self protection.

While effective technique should always be a priority, self knowledge, relaxation, awareness & physical well-being are also important.

The opportunities that you’ll find to use the latter in your daily life will likely be greater than the need to use the former.

We focus on the spirit of self cultivation as did many practitioners of the martial ways in older times.

If this sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, please contact us for training times.